The Southwest Spanish Mustang Assn., Inc.
Gilbert H. Jones
P.O. Box 48
Finley, Oklahoma 74543
July 12 - 88
Dear Vance and Lois Myler,
Your letter and brochure of your Medicine Hat ponies received. I enjoyed your letter and brochure about your colorful ponies and the research you have put in them. As far as I know you have put more actual research into Medicine Hat color phase than anyone. I dismiss any research you quote of Bob Evans of Ohio, the Wild Horse research farm of Calif., the Spanish Barb Breeders Association of Colorado. All of these cannot prove their claims historically. The Medicine Hat they speak of as “SUN” is in reality
“Sioux Chief”. Registered in MSR as Sioux Chief number 125. Owned by the late Ferdinand Brislawn of Chusher Utah. His sire was San Domingo SMR number 4. He was owned by Robert Brislawn of Oshoto Utah. He was president of SMA over 4 years. I know all these people well. To my knowledge Kim Rosea Marietta, author of The Medicine Hat Horse in Horse and Horseman magazine has done more research than anyone I know of. I have sent her all the pictures and books I have on the subject. You folks have put more research in breeding and studying the Medicine Hat color, which by this color showing up in Shetlands proves to me it can be a color phase. I have always considered it a Spanish color. Unless your pony has a dash of Inidian pony in his background. I’d be glad to buy any pictures you have of Medicine Hat ponies to keep as reference. I have hundreds of pictures on file as well as Spanish Mustangs and mules. I think the flyer enclosed will tell you something about the colors and Mustangs in general.
Hoping to hear from you again.
Gilbert Jones