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Millers Miniature Horses Presents...

The Historic Breeder's Stories are now here, and more coming!

By: Carolyn Miller

The following biographical sketch can be found in “The Shetland Saga” a great historical sketch of old Breeders and Ponies written and compiled by Leslie L. Boomhower of Mason City, Ia. His book may still be purchased through him at a cost of $19.98, which includes shipping and handling. His address as supplies are very limited is: Mr. Les Boomhower, 6 Boulder Rd., Mason City, Ia. 50401

This book has so many pictures and what amazement to find Vern Brewer in the circus act with his John Norman, Lazy N. Stables Six Pony Military Drill at the circus. I promise this to be a one of kind and must have for any history buff to Shetlands or AMHR horses, which was the founding Stud Book to our Miniatures. The International Miniature Horse Registry and American Miniature Horse Assn. came afterwards. His book is the first 100 years of Shetlands in America.

I have also attached a short letter from Mr. Boomhower I received back in January of 1996 at which time I was purchasing old books from him. Of note his letter incorporates some thoughts on breeding of the POA’s. Mr. Boomhower was the original Founder and Breeder of the First POA.

Mr. Boomhower’s picture, this content and my letter may not be reproduced in any manner without permission and is copyrighted.

I spoke with Mr. Boomhower via phone on July 10th of 2001 to gain his permission for printing and during his conversation he mentioned an old time breeder Mr. Bob Cornelius of Calif. who was always after him to reduce the size of the POA’s. It was Mr. Boomhower’s intention, however to create a mount somewhere between a horse and a Shetland in proportion to the size of older children.

The following is his biographical sketch, and then followed by his letter to me on the breeding of the POA’s….

Leslie L. Boomhower was born May 25, 1920. He practiced law in Mason City, Iowa, from 1944 to July 1973, at which time he became a judge. He retired on December 31, 1986, as a District Associate Judge for the Second Judicial District of Iowa.

While on the bench, he also served as Chief Juvenile Judge for District 2 A and contributed to the Judicial System by working with the legislature to develop the Uniform Traffic System, which has become the model for other states. He also helped develop an improved Court Costs System, and provided many other ideas adopted by the Judiciary.

Les has owned, bred and shown horses and ponies most of his life. He is a lifetime member of the American Shetland Pony Club and the Pony of the Americas Club, Inc. He was a member, judge, and steward of the American Horse Shows Associations and the United Hunt Association; a past Director and Vice President of the National Livestock Record Associations, where he was instrumental in setting standards for pure-bred livestock associations in the U.S.; a former member of the Board of Advisors of Agriservices Foundation, and the recipient of the 1970 Distinguished Equine Award of Agriservices Foundation, Horse Science School. To quote from the Equine Award: “Leslie Boomhower is one of the few men of whom it can be said, “he created a breed of livestock.” He recognized the need for a special breed of ponies for children who had outgrown the Shetland Pony, but were not ready for a horse; and in 1954 he set out to fill this need. He formed a nonprofit corporation, organized a breed registry, established standards, and set out to develop a new breed to be known as the Pony of the Americas.”

For this organization, he set breed standards, published a breed magazine, designed the POA Show Rules, and published an annual Stud Book. He has also contributed articles to other horse and pony publications.

Les is married and the Boomhowers have three children.

The above Biographical sketch was written as a preface to “The Shetland Saga” by Dr. M.E. Ensminger, Ph. D., President and Chairman of Agriservices Foundation.

The following is Mr. Boomhower’s letter to me about his POA breeding…

January 22, 1996

Dear Carolyn,

Just received your check and enclosures. I opened your requested data to be sure I had everything you requested.

I have never passed myself off as being an expert in appaloosa color. When I first started breeding Pony of American’s I used Black Hand no. 1, on small black mares 46 to 52” and got about 50% with good appaloosa color, usually black leopards and black with white blankets and black spots, and once in awhile a marbleized roan. Dr. Hazel of Iowa State University told me if I would continue breeding the appaloosa color on both the Sire and Dams sides in time I might get more dominant than recessive genes.

(This writer’s note: which might explain the snowcaps of today) Bob Cornelius, California Miniature Breeder is raising some good colored miniatures. He runs an ad in the Journal. You may know of him. He also used to raise P.O.A.s, but always favored the wee ones.

I believe the Appaloosa Association of Moscow, Idaho has run many articles in their magazine.

Am not sure of your foals qualify for appaloosa coloring without seeing them. As you are aware beware of too much white or palomino color as you get a washed out appaloosa That usually turns all white with age.

Looking forward to reading your enclosed articles. If you get up our way I will show you around.

Hope you have a successful year.



Again, the book Mr. Boomhower wrote shows tons of pictures just to name a few here are some:

The Jess Pony Hitch for the show ring (which shows three whites and bald faces that clue me into the overo gene)

Vern Brewer at the circus with the Lazy N. horses behind Rowdy

Mrs. Audrey Barrett and her Parade Ponies

Mrs. Relph, breeder and writer for the Journal

Dan Langfield, Pat Morrissey, Vern Benna, Bill and Betty Winkelman, Warren Hansen and the list continues on splattered with pictures.

Taken From the Introduction to “The Shetland Saga”

It is interesting to note that the hardy Shetland Pony is one of the few animals, which may be crossbred to a Hackney, A Welsh, etc., but the off spring appear to revert to its original state in size, conformation and strength when again crossed to Shetlands. We look at the pony 100 years ago and look at a true Shetland type now and we see this innate ability to revert to type.

Further Reading

For more information about the Shetland Pony, please read the following books: The Shetland Pony, by Frank L. Bedell, The Shetland Pony, by Maurice C. Cox, The Pony Book, by Jeff Griffen, and Our Shetland Heritage, by Scott Uzzel.


In my conversation with Mr. Boomhower in July 2001 I asked if he was on a computer. “Why no he says, I may be a bit beyond the computer age.” After telling him that my Adult education classes contained the senior population with the eldest being 91, Mr. Boomhower told me his son Daniel had a computer up in Apple Valley, Minn. and he would be visiting. I predict that he will check in on the computer in the near future with his son to read the write up and own a computer within the next year. The same occurrence happened with Lois Myler of Van Lo’s Rainbow Ranch, who now happily checks email and web sites daily. Lois is not far from the same generation of breeders as Mr. Boomhower is…

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