Miller's Miniature Horses and Overos, in South Carolina, strive to provide equestrian, education, genetics, and breeding history of the Mini and Overo horses and Shetlands. We have color charts, Lethal White Overo Articles, Reference books, news bulletin, faqs, upcoming events, and a photo gallery showing legendary equine, and the pinto, paint, frame overo, sabino, splashed white and toveros. Check out our pedigree searches, and breeder links for help and tour our stables and farm. We hope you enjoy your visit.

Trail of Tears
(Amazing Grace)
In November of 1989 Jerry and I purchased Field Lark Plantation. This home and its almost 300 acres is located in the northwestern corner of S.C. where the Trail of Tears started from this area. In 1992 I started a quest for information as well as breeding for the mystical pattern of the old Plaines horses that are now preserved at the Brislawn Reservation known as the Frame Overo. Much of this site is dedicated to the history and documentation of this. A great number of Cherokee Indian people died on this trail, as they were forced to relocate against their will to strange lands. Many realized they would never make it but held their heads up high and kept their dignity. They sang the song, "Amazing Grace", knowing that they and their loved ones would probably die. You will find this song on this site done by the renowned, Charles Littleleaf. His link is embedded in my opening page text along with Sam and Rain Silverhawk who guided me through my project. I hope you are able to go away enlightened by visiting this site as well as enjoy the Miniature Horses, Trading Post and various other pages.
"All that is, always has been, and always will be. May you walk in Love, Light and Peace."
Jerry & Carolyn Miller

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(Amazing Grace) Please click to hear Charles Littleleafs Amazing Grace.
Amazing grace samples are copyright © Charles Littleleaf and cannot be duplicated and/or used in any manner, without written permission by
Redwood Productions and/or their affiliates.
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Millers Miniature Horses strives to provide education, genetics, breeding, history of the miniature overo horses. We have color charts, reference books, news, bulletin boards, faqs, upcoming events, history and overo photo gallery showing legendary equine, pedigree searches, published articles and much more. We hope you enjoy your visit.
Animated Horse compliments of
Disclaimer: (Content on this site subject to errors and or omissions.)
Copyright © 2001- Photos & ContentMiller's Miniature Horses
Graphics Sam Silverhawk, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Hosted by Silverhawk's Creations